SCB TechX Company Limited (“SCB TechX” or the “Company”), a digital technology expert specializing in application development and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) under the SCBX Group, proudly announced its achievement of winning two prestigious awards. Led by Mr. Trirat Suwanprateeb, Chief Executive Officer of SCB TechX, the company was honored with the Future Trends Corporate Awards in the category of The Most Innovative and the Future Trends Leader Awards in the category of Leader of Technology at the Future Trends Awards 2025.

Organized by Future Trends, a leading Thai media platform specializing in technology, marketing, and innovation, these awards recognize organizations and individuals who demonstrate outstanding creativity and deliver significant value to society on a broad scale.

These accolades reflect SCB TechX’s commitment to continuous innovation and the development of future-ready platform solutions that enhance seamless digital experiences for businesses of all sizes and industries. The company also strives to foster a corporate culture that embraces cutting-edge digital technology and drives ongoing innovation. This dedication aligns with SCB TechX’s core values of pioneering innovation and transforming ideas into reality with the ultimate goal of establishing itself as one of the leading technology companies in Southeast Asia.