DevOps Insider : Platform Engineers – The Secret to Smarter Software Development


Ever wondered what a Platform Engineer does? Today, Karanyot Russamee, Senior Platform Services Engineer at SCB TechX, shares insights on who Platform Engineers are, their role in the software development process, and how they help improve software quality. Platform Engineers design and develop Internal Developer Portals (IDPs) to streamline the work of software developers. They must be well-versed in various tools, infrastructure, the SDLC, security testing, and releasing software to production. Their goal is to create platforms that enable developers to work faster and more efficiently.

Key Responsibilities:
• Design for Scalability: Building platforms that can grow with increasing users and data.
• Automate Everything: Turning processes into automated systems wherever possible.
• Ensure Security and Compliance: Integrating security tools throughout the development process.
• Focus on Developer Experience: Enhancing tool usability to make the developer’s job easier.
• Foster a Culture of Collaboration: Promoting teamwork and cooperation.
• Continuous Improvement: Constantly learning, improving, and innovating.

At SCB TechX, we’ve harnessed our expertise in large-scale software development to create xPlatform (Platform DevOps as a Service), enhancing the developer experience and enabling businesses to deliver better solutions to their customers. If your organization is looking for a DevOps solution to automate processes, reduce costs, and drive sustainable growth, SCB TechX is here to help you achieve those goals.

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