SCB TechX Co., Ltd., a leading platform-as-a-service expert within the SCBX Group headed by Chief Executive Officer Mr. Trirat Suwanprateeb, has been awarded ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Standard for Information Security Management System (ISMS) certification by BSI Group (Thailand) Co., Ltd., a branch of the British Standard Institution (BSI) in Thailand. This certification recognizes SCB TechX’s proficiency in software development and encompasses the infrastructure and related facilities involved. By obtaining this certification, SCB TechX strengthens its information security management practices, fostering trust among customers, suppliers, and business partners. The company has demonstrated its ability to systematically and reliably manage information security risks, ensuring the protection of confidential data through effective supervision to prevent leaks while maintaining the accuracy and integrity of information. Additionally, SCB TechX continuously evaluates and enhances its information security management system to systematically and reliably mitigate information security risks

The acquisition of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification enhances the company’s credibility and positions it to attract security-conscious new customers. This accomplishment underscores SCB TechX’s commitment to becoming one of Southeast Asia’s premier technology companies by offering innovative solutions that deliver exceptional customer experiences.