Sometimes using just one page of data visualization or summary dashboard may not cover all details for further usage. If you require a lot more or need to export data into an Excel or PDF file, you have come to the right place.
Today, we invite the data guru Khun Pongsakorn Tangjitwilaikun, Data Engineer from SCB TechX, to share about the supportive tool called “Power BI Report Builder”.
This tool will help increase your work efficiency as needed and reduce the time required to complete an operation report with only 4 easy steps.
- Create Data Sources: connect Power BI Report Builder with the data source that you would like to generate a report. This step supports many formats of data connections including SQL Server, SSAS, Power BI Dataset, and ODBC.
- Creating Datasets: prepare datasets through pre-calculation, transform, and filter data for report generation.
- Create a Report: design and generate a required report. This tool supports arranging the layout, header, and footer as well as, grouping, filtering, and sorting each element in the report.
- Share: Share the report with others via publish to Power BI Server and export the report as CSV, PDF, Excel, Word, or XML files.
Just following the 4 steps above, you will get an efficient operation report before you know it.
Lastly, SCB TechX is ready to provide any organization with professional advice, technology solutions, and comprehensive Data Platform services through TechX Data Platform.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact us at contact@scbtechx.io
Or visit us for more details at https://bit.ly/3QjtHgl