Tech Tips for Life: Personalized Product Recommendations


All individuals are different and like different things, marketing for Personalized Product Recommendations delivers superior customer experiences while securing business competitive advantages. If anyone would like to make it work, you have come to the right place.

Khun JJ Weerawan Sakdajivacharoen, Senior Data Scientist from SCB TechX, will summarize the easy tips for you here.

  1. Customer Insight: You should understand who your customers are, and what behaviors and preferences customers have. It will help you offer the right products and deliver superior customer experiences. Tips! A master customer record should be created as a Customer 360
  2. Product Variety: You should have several products since customers are different. Customer Analysis will help create new products based on customer interest.
  3. Product Recommendation Engines: You should use Product Recommendation Engines or Machine Learning to analyze preferences. There are many types of product recommendation tools such as customer interests. Collaborative Filtering, Content-based Filtering, Hybrid Models, Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning Model, etc
  4. Product Offering Display: You should offer your products according to the Product Recommendation Engines. You may have seen online stores promote that “Customers who bought this also bought that” It means these stores have used the product recommendation tools to offer exceptional customer experiences.

Long story short, offering products to each of your customers should perfectly match their preferences and interests. Tips! Always use ‘Recommended only for you!!!’ to enhance superior customer experiences.


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