Work Inspiration: Triple-Threat Pro (Snap, Swing, and Lead)


Today, I am thrilled to present an enlightening interview that delves into the distinguished professional journey of Khun Dump who holds the position of Product Owner at SCB TechX. He is not only a Pro in cameras, golf, and a Product Owner but also envisions a distant future. Khun Dump, who enjoys photography and golf, shares how these activities allow him to spend time with himself, unwind, and serve as great inspiration for everyone. Take a moment to explore yourself, discover what you love, and balance your life for happiness. If you’re looking for some positive inspiration, kindly take a moment to review it here.



I’m Dump, an MBA graduate specializing in Finance. I’ve worked across Retail, Automotive, and Banking before transitioning to the tech industry six years ago. Currently, at SCB TechX, I’m the Product Owner for PG1/2, overseeing PointX and the Debenture Club. I handle various tasks, including project evaluation with the Pre-sales team. My main responsibilities involve defining and prioritizing requirements from the Business Team and ensuring effective communication with both the Business and Squad Teams for timely task delivery. Additionally, I guide beneficial requirements for decision-making processes.


Why do you like photography?

Photography has held a special place in my heart since childhood when I picked up a film camera at the age of 7. The connection is hard to put into words — it’s just a feeling. I appreciate all forms of photography except self-portraits. My genuine love lies in Street and Portrait photography. The rawness and genuine moments in street photography exhilarate me with quick thinking and uncertainty. Portrait photography, on the other hand, brings joy, particularly when capturing beautiful moments with my wife.


Why do you like playing golf, and how do you manage your time for it?

I embarked on my golfing journey 2 years ago, drawn to its self-competitive nature and the challenge it presents with the defiance of natural body movements. Golf stands out as the most challenging among sports. I typically enjoy playing on Saturday mornings or Friday nights (if no deployment), about 1–2 times a month. Colleagues at TechX frequently join, and anyone interested is welcome! Additionally, I engage in gym workouts 3–4 times a week, each session lasting an hour, usually after work or during lunch. While I’m not an early runner, amidst busy times, I stand or stretch in meetings to counter sedentary habits and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Do you face work-related stress or lows? How do you manage and overcome these challenges?

Daily work stress is normal, as not everything goes smoothly. I’ve never felt down, managing stress through these steps:

1. Stay composed, assess the problem’s weight, and manage it.

2. Identify and fix the root cause promptly.

3. If stuck at step 2, inform everyone, seek help, and remember, everyone faces challenges.

4. If still stuck, collaborate for solutions, communicate, and inform those affected.

5. If all else fails, take a break, jot down tasks for tomorrow, and clear your mind for a fresh perspective.

Stress arises when tasks are unfinished or issues are unresolved. Prioritize completing what you start, pay attention to sleep to avoid burnout, and face work challenges head-on for a clear resolution.


What are the challenges or missions you want to undertake this year?

At SCB TechX, the challenge is inherent as we maintain a high standard, fostering continuous learning and development. My mission this year is to deliver tasks with top quality, timeliness, and value, aiming for heightened customer and user satisfaction. I also focus on improving team communication, fostering collaboration, and contributing to a stronger team. The goal for this year is improvement, and, in conclusion, I simply aspire to play golf better. Thank you.


The company is recruiting additional team members to fuel technological expansion. Click the link below for more information.


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